Lovely message received from Health Visitors
At Cowes we run a busy Well baby Clinic every Wednesday from 9am – 5pm, often seeing 50+ babies and their families. As Health Visitors we are used to people asking us what it is we actually do (apart from weighing babies).
Well one of other most important aspects of our job, is health promotion and education. So the white board that you have so kindly and generously donated to us will play a vital part in that role.
We want to use it to display and highlight themes. For instance during accident prevention week we can draw attention to the dangers of hair straighteners, which, incidentally are the most common cause of burns to young children. As you can imagine we are talk a lot about weaning and healthy eating and your board will help us to get the messages across with the help of pictures.
Additionally we can display information about baby groups and activities which are so important for new parents to reduce their feelings of isolation.
Once again, thank you so much.
Many thanks
Jane, Annie and Jackie (Health Visitors)