Patients and Staff Receive Christmas Gifts from Friends

Patients and Staff Receive Christmas Gifts from Friends
Volunteers and partners of the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital did a Christmas Day round of the wards , to give small gifts from their trolley to patients and staff.
The exercise, lasting over two hours, is an annual event of the Friends, who run shops and cafes at the hospital and Ryde Health Centre. And this year the scheme was partly funded by the donation of £100 from a hospital volunteer.
Among those giving the trolley party a send-off in the foyer were the Friends’ chairman, Lesley Myland, who greatly appreciated the response to her earlier appeal for people give up time on the big day.
Pictured before taking the trolley on the meandering journey of goodwill were (left to right): Tony Reeve, June Reeve, June Ring, Sylvie Brown, Lyn Govett and Colin Govett.